- "Living Sculptures", Litro Magazine's #FlashFriday
- "LoFi Girl Is A Thing With Feathers", Great Lakes Review
- "Imagine Being Fifteen & Falling In Love Whilst Holding A Half-Melted Snowcone In One Hand & Nothing In The Other", Lammergeier
- "Parallax (An Epilogue)", Pidgeonholes
- "Retelling", Atlas and Alice
- "Painted Animals", Trampset
- "Doublesaw", The Daily Drunk Mag
- "What You Need to Know (About an Unnamed Town in Missouri)", Sidereal Magazine
- "Vivarium", Waxwing *Wigleaf's Top 50
- "When We Left Earth, The Whales Came With Us", Milk Candy Review *Nominated for Best Microfictions
- "After Shrinking", XRAY Literary Magazine
- "What We Did in Boone County", Perhappened Mag
- TWO FLASH PIECES, mutiny! *Nominated for Best of The Net
- "Bonemouth", Lunate Fiction
- TWO FLASH PIECES, Press Pause Press
- "The Life Cycle of a Storm Cell Lullaby", Flypaper Lit
- "Spaceship Atlas", Helen Literary Magazine
- "Survey for Assessing Bodies", Dovecote Magazine
- "A Planet of Pams", Drunk Monkeys
- "Falling in Love as a Relativity Theory", Sidereal Magazine